

Convert WEBP images to AVIF fast and free.

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Use our free WEBP to AVIF converter created by your friends at RunningWombat!

WEBP is a lossy image compression file format. You can compare WEBP to JPEG, although it’s way faster and equal or less in size. The efficiency of the WEBP format will significantly improve website’s loading speed. WEBP is popular these days, the file format is most of the time 25 to 35% smaller than the standard JPEG images. WEBP can be displayed in all major browsers and is recommended by Google.

The AVIF Image File Format is an image file format specification for storing images or image sequences compressed with AV1 in the HEIF container format. It competes with HEIC, which uses the same container format built upon ISOBMFF, but HEVC for compression.

AVIF is a new and high-efficient image format based on the AV1 video format. The format is open-source and royalty-free, developed by a collaboration of Google, Cisco, and Xiph.org.

How to use our free WEBP to AVIF converter?

  • Upload your WEBP file.
  • Wait a little bit.
  • Download your new converted AVIF!

Want to know more about the people behind this free WEBP to AVIF  converter? Go take a look at our main website https://runningwombat.com>
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